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What are cookies for?

Swiss Group International Bank uses cookies on its website to improve its operation and to collect statistics concerning the interests of visitors. A cookie is a small data file that the website stores on the visitor’s browser. Today, all modern websites use this technology.

You will find below information about the different cookies used by the Swiss Group International Bank website.

Social networks

Swiss Group International Bank is active on social networks. Some links or contents on our site may therefore be connected to social media that have their own cookies. To learn more about the data protection policies of the social networks used by Swiss Group International Bank, click on the following links: YouTubeTwitterFacebookLinkedIn.

Interactive means of contact

In order to improve your contact experience, we offer a “live chat” service and a “free callback” service which have specific cookies. To learn more about the data protection policy of these services, click on the following links: CrispLiveCall.

Google Analytics

For statistical purposes, the Swiss Group International Bank website includes the “Google Analytics” tracking tools. These tools allow Swiss Group International Bank to improve its contents according to visitors’ interests and to better understand their needs.

Data protection policies:

If you do not want to participate in Swiss Group International Bank website improvement, you can decline to track: You are not participating. Click here if you would like to participate again.

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